About us


Android app ecosystem is one of the largest mobile application ecosystems today. Building a personalized mobile application is crucial to stand out in such a crowded ecosystem. At Fingent, we address this challenge by building Android applications tailored to meet business objectives and end client needs.

When you have golem, you have got security that’s right there out of the box and ne'er stops operating. Google Play defend scans all of your apps, the package gets regular security updates, and also the platform is usually rising. It’s sort of a watchman that ne'er takes an opportunity, a nap, or a vacation.

Security starts at the application layer with our built-in malware defence. Backed by Google’s machine learning, it’s always adapting and improving. Every day, it automatically scans all of the apps on Android phones and works to prevent harmful apps from ever reaching them, making it the most widely deployed mobile threat protection service in the world. And with Find My Device built in, devices stay protected, even when they’re lost.

Beyond the application layer, the platform works to help keep devices safe from the inside. Application sandboxing isolates and guards every Android app, stopping other apps from accessing your private information. We also protect access to internal operating system components, which helps prevent bugs from becoming exploitable. Finally, full on-device encryption keeps data safe, even when devices are lost.